So there I was, crippled in pain. Soaking in natural salts straight from the dead sea. Completely unaware that his life was coming to an end at that very same moment.
I soaked as long as I could hoping some visceral yet subconscious wave would wash over my scared, exhausted body and bring some of the magic healing of the dead sea with it. Ahava led me into that night and revealed the great promise of the dead sea: a healing oasis is possible amidst the greatest faith and strife on earth.
That was three weeks ago. I slept that night with a peace I had not known in years and I've needed every ounce of that peace to make it through the shock of the next morning and the last three weeks. Take heed from the geographic axiom of the dead sea: the greatest peace is something you can reach for amidst the greatest unrest. Take some sacred healing tools with you on this sweet, heart-breaking journey.