Day one went well. Parts of day two went well. The parts that stuck, anyhow. See, I thought I was dry after standing around my apartment for thirty minutes, blogging and waiting for my newly applied coat of L'Oreal's Self Tanning Mist to dry. When I woke up the next morning and hesitantly looked in the mirror with one eye open I expected to look like an oompa-loompa. I was pleasantly surprised by my new bronze skin color. I was unpleasantly surprised that I also resembled a zebra or someone with a skin pigmentation disease. 3/4 of the backside of my arms and back were erased of self tanner while the top quarter was now nicely bronzed. I suppose I slept on my back and the tanner wasn't dry enough before I went to bed. I am happy to report however that I like the color even more today that I did on day two. The next time I have 45 minutes to stand around my apartment naked and not touch anything I will re-apply and report back. Seriously though I do recommend keep a can of this around for weekends when pooltime isn't an option or when you would like some extra coverage for your shy parts.
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