Whole Foods Podcast: Natural Sun Burn Treatment and First Aid

Remember when I told you how jazzed I was about Whole Body (Whole Foods Beauty Department) starting their own blog!? Now they are bringing us podcasts via their blog. This one talks about natural relief for summer skin care and first aid. Sure we all know to use aloe for sunburn but let's face it burns are getting worse and aloe leaves something to be desired. Listen to their newest podcast to learn how lavender oil, St. Johns Wort, and others can take the bite out of your burn. This podcast also talks about all kinds of natural first aid solutions for summer first aid. Listen the whole podcast from the Whole Foods blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As an Esthetician, and a local to the West Coast Beaches, I have found time and time again that Osea Malibu's skincare products work best for sunburned or sun touched skin.

Keep their Sea Mineral Spray in the refrigerator and spay it all over your sunburned skin. It has always worked wonders on all who have used it. This is a must for skin damaged by the sun.

You can also apply their Ocean Lotion all over your skin for further soothing and will actually help heal the skin, and possibly turn that burn into a nice tan instead of peels.

Osea Malibu Skin Care is the very best for the body, and their products are completely natural!