After having some frightfully horrifying pictures of myself tagged and re-tagged on facebook (despite my constant effort at un-tagging) I decided to make lemonade out of the facebook lemons. In the middle of reviewing myself with the heartless eye of a model scout I thought, well at least I can appreciate my eyebrows. They look great.
Then I, ah-hem, got the picture. Oh my lord, I have nice full brows! This has not always been the case. As the pictures below exhibit, nightly use of
Anastasia's Brow Enhancing Serum has paid off. The protein and vitamin packed serum will cost you $35 at Sephora or you can buy it as part of the 12 Step Kit,
Anastasia Tweezers Anonymous for $55. After 8 weeks my original tube is still more than half full.

Before visit one to Anastasia's Brow Studio

After Visit One

Facebook Lemonade: After 8 Weeks of Almost Nightly Brow Enhancing Serum Application

Just in case you need more help putting down the tweezers, the 12 step brow kit comes with these, the 12 steps of Anastasia's tweezers anonymous.
Thanks for that post! Love the 12 Steps flyer. Are there support groups for that?
"Hi, my name is Tweezie and I'm a Tweezaholic..."
Your brows do look FAB! :)
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